Monday, July 29, 2013

Health Messes

As most of you know, I have dealt with a Bipolar Type 2 diagnosis since 2008. Wow, that's 5 years! And it's been a hideous mess of ups and downs, one nervous breakdown, and constantly adjusting medicines that have side effects, and the roller coaster of feeling mentally foggy and alert. I also feel like an inadequate mom to my herd of four kids most of the time because I have zero energy (especially in a down cycle) and am irritable and can't focus. I used to feel so sharp mentally, like I could handle anything that came my way, and now there are days I feel like I'm holding on by a thread. 
After being frustrated, I began to research my tail off.... And everywhere I look, I keep encountering the suggestion that a chronic yeast (candida) infection throughout the body can mimic Bipolar symptoms, or aggravate depression, among other mental illnesses, if they truly are present. Here is an article discussing the connection : Finding out that I might be able to be freed from the prison of pharmaceuticals that I now take daily, has been liberating. I have been investigating ways to eliminate the yeast from my body, and so far, have started the following things: 
1) A cup of organic plain yogurt (for probiotic purposes) 
2) A diet eliminating high sugar contents and anything that has been fermented (yes, even cheese) to rid my system of yeast and to quit feeding the already present yeast.
3)Adding Raw Manuka Honey to theplain yogurt   as well as cinnamon, which has antibacterial and anti fungal properties. Raw Manuka honey is taken from hives on the Tea Olive trees in New Zealand. I will do an entire post on this later on... It's amazing stuff.
4) Working to alkalize my body. Bacteria and fungi hate alkalinity. Using It It Works Greens and Alkaline Water.

I will research and experiment until I find a natural path to ridding myself of these problems.

1 comment:

  1. The people whom wants to become fit and normal should take the physiotherapy along with the healthy diet. The people whom are using the medicines to become normal should reduce its use and take the Physiotherapy North Ryde from the doctor to become normal.
