Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Water, Water Everywhere...

I've always known that drinking water is important for my health, but lately I've been noticing even more how badly I feel physically when I DON'T drink enough water. As a runner I try to make an even more concerted effort to continually hydrate myself, but I get distracted by handling my herd of kids and day to day activities, so in turn I wind up putting my health last and forget to drink. What I'm realizing is that by neglecting to rehydrate is that I'm more irritable, have more headaches, and less energy.... So I'm actually less productive, and feel awful to boot. I'm also guilty of treating dehydration symptoms with meds like ibuprofen and caffeine rather than drinking more water, which in turn actually dehydrates me even more! Vicious cycle. So today, I'm committing to drinking more than enough water, and at  the end of the day I will report how I feel and what I've noticed physically and mentally by guzzling enough. Do you know of any good ways to keep up with how much water you drink during the day? What do you notice physically when you fail to drink???

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